A message from the WBEFC
Dear WBEFC Stakeholders,
The Watts Bar Ecology and Fishery Council is sponsoring an educational presentation regarding the impacts the invasive aquatic plant incursion is having on the fishery and ecology of Watts Bar Lake. I hope you will attend and spread the word out about this presentation. There is a great deal of misinformation regarding these plants and how they both benefit and harm the fishery and ecology of the ecosystem.
This presentation is based on fishery biology and ecological science. It is not belief or speculation, only factual science. It is imperative that we become fully educated and armed with sound ecological science regarding the matter of invasive aquatic plant incursion, for only with this knowledge can proper decisions be made regarding the future of Watts Bar Lake. Knowledge is commanding, while unawareness is imprudent, and lack of knowledge can/will lead to faulty conclusions/judgements and significant harm.
We can’t simply ignore the problem or the two opposing attitudes regarding the invasive aquatic plants. The only way to properly address both sides of the issue and make informed decisions is to be fully knowledgeable. With this understanding, we can protect the fishery and ecology of Watts Bar Lake.
Please plan to attend this educational presentation and learn the ecological and fishery details and truths concerning the invasive aquatic plants. I look forward to seeing you at the presentation:
May 21st at 6:pm, Rockwood Community Center, 710 N Chamberlain Ave, Rockwood, TN 37854. Parking is available in front and behind the building.
Genuine Regards,
Timothy Joseph, PhD.
Chairman — Watts Bar Ecology and (WBEFC) Fishery Council
865-354-6620 H
865-228-2590 C