Silver Carp Report

The Silver Carp Report – WBEFC All: The Silver Carp Threat Report is now available through a link to the WBEFC website. These fish are the most serious and REAL threat to our lakes that has ever risen. It must not be...

The Silver Carp Threat

The Silver Carp Threat by Timothy Joseph, PhD. Chairman — Watts Bar Ecology & Fishery Council HISTORY In the 1970’s nearsighted state biologists, natural resource managers, sewage treatment facility operators, and others made appalling errors in judgement by...

Carp Control Weeds

Carp Control Weeds by Hugh WillettWednesday March 22, 2017 Grass carp have been an effective solution in dealing with invasive weeds, according to a representative of a lake community in Virginia that has battled non-native plants for several years. Jeff Caldwell...