Watts Bar Lake & River Rescue and
Shoreline Cleanup
Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Watts Bar Lake Association (WBLA), IJAMS Nature
Center, and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) will
sponsor the annual River Rescue shoreline cleanup on
Saturday, March 12th, from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Volunteers
are asked to meet at 8:30 a.m.

All who are interested in keeping the shoreline clean and
beautiful should volunteer to help. Gloves, trash bags and
grabbers will be furnished.

Rhea County participants will meet at Veterans Park in
Spring City and are asked to contact Roger Hinsdale at
(423) 452-0428 for information.

Meigs County participants will meet at Mr. Twister
Restaurant in Ten Mile and are asked to contact Harry
Smiley at (803) 640-7870 for information.

Roane County participants on the east side of the lake
should contact Peter Giroux at (404) 304-1115 and will
gather at Blue Springs Marina Boat Ramp.

Folks in the Kingston area are asked to Contact Bonnie
Angus at 865-717-4102 and will meet at The Caney Creek
Recreational Area.

2019 Cleanup Recap
During the last clean-up in 2019, 57 volunteers participated in WBLA River
Rescue and Shoreline event. In just four hours the group pulled an impressive
6,300 pounds of litter from the lake, including bottles, cans, tires (49), and
miscellaneous debris.

Do you know that it takes this long for the following to disappear
from the lake?

  • Paper Towels 2 to 4 weeks
  • Wool Gloves 1 Year
  • Styrofoam Cups 50 years
  • Aluminum Drink Cans 200 Years
  • Fishing Line 600 Years