Multi-Agency Webinar- Subject: Silver Carp in the Tennessee River System
On August 5th at 1:30 ET, multi-agency experts who are working together to fight the migration of silver carp in the Tennessee River System will provide a media briefing. You can listen and watch this briefing by using the following link: Register Here or
The agencies participating are: US Army Corps of Engineers, TWRA, the Kentucky, Alabama and Mississippi equivalent agencies to TWRA, US Geological Survey, US Fish and Wildlife, TN Wildlife Federation, TN Aquarium, MICRA, and TVA.
Thank you to TVA SVP Bob Deacy and his team for setting-up this important event.
Please feel free to forward this information to other interested parties.
Pandora Vreeland
Vice Chairman, Watts Bar Ecology and Fishery Council
buckrunne at
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que mencionas. He tenido experiencias similares y esto realmente ayuda a entenderlo mejor.