Legislative – Agency Contact List

Cities / Towns:

Kingston City Manager
David L. Bolling | 865-376-5911 Ext. 102 | 865-376-2325 | kingstoncitymanager@gmail.com
Harriman City Manager
Kevin Helms | 865-882-9414
Rockwood City Administrator
Becky Ruppe | 865-354-0611 | becky.ruppe@rockwoodtn.org
Spring City Mayor
Billy Ray Patton | 423-452-0512 | jtpatton18@bellsouth.net


Roane County Executive
Ron Woody | 865-376-5578 | ron.woody@roanecountytn.gov
Meigs County Mayor
Bill James | 423-334-5850 | meigscountymayor@yahoo.com
Rhea County Executive
George Thacker | 423-775-7801 | thackergeorge@bellsouth.net

State Government

TN Governor:

Bill Lee | 615-741-2001

TN State Senators:

District 12
Ken Yager | 615-741-1449 | sen.ken.yeager@capital.tn.gov
District 9
Mike Bell | 615-741-1946 | sen.mike.bell@capital.tn.gov

TN House Representatives:

District 31
Ron Travis | 615-741-1450 | rep.ron.travis@capital.tn.gov
District 32
Kent Calfee | 615-741-7658 | rep.kent.calfee@capital.tn.gov
District 22
Dan Howell | 615-741-7799 | rep.dan.howell@capital.tn.gov

Tennessee Wildlife Resources:

Region 3, District 32
Crossville Office | 931-484-6704 or 800-262-6704
Regional Manager
John Mayer | 931-456-3059

TN Department of Environment & Conservation:

Self-directing phone number to appropriate field office
TDEC Commissioner
Shari L. Meghreblian, Ph.D. | 615-532-0106
Office of External Affairs, Nashville
Meredith S. Benton | 615-741-8962
Chattanooga Field Office (Rhea + Meigs)
Amy Katcher | 423-634-5782
Knoxville Field Office (Roane)
John LeCroy | 865-594-2147

US Government

US Senators:

Lamar Alexander | 202-224-4944
Marsha Blackburn | 202-224-3344

US House of Representatives:

3rd District
Chuck Fleischmann | 202-225-3271
4th District
Scott DesJarlais | 202-225-6831