Thank you!
The Watts Bar Lake Association would like to thank the 22 member volunteers and all of the sponsors that participated in this year’s Chuck Copeland Memorial Fishing Rodeo. Around 500 children fished in this year’s rodeo, and judging by the hundreds of smiles observed that morning, a good time was had by all. A photo slide show of the event will be published soon so check back in this space.
Thanks to the TWRA, TVA, and all the other sponsors that make this event a success for the children of Rhea County and all those who travel there to participate. A special thanks to the Rhea County High School Eagle Angler Club members and sponsor Brian Derlak, for all their help and support during the Rodeo.
Thank you Pat Rothenburg for the video!
Remember, we are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation
and your contribution to help fund
this event is tax deductible.